We’ve been hearing from fans who can’t get our new album, Radio On!, and I wanted to take a moment to let you know what I know.
Our sales for Radio On! far surpassed original expectations (based on sales from the previous two releases – especially vinyl demand) and as a result, everything sold out almost immediately. The further reaching destinations did not get CDs until the second pressing was completed and shipped, hence the delay.
Vinyl manufacturing is backed up everywhere due to covid-related issues, and sadly, the second vinyl pressing of Radio On! will likely not see the light of day until sometime in 2022. I know that all the staff at Metalville Records have been working to expedite things, but only so much is within their power at this point. I’m so sorry folks have to wait. Anyone who ordered signed vinyl from RockPaperMerch.com – it is forthcoming!! I just don’t have a guaranteed date right now because the label doesn’t.
These are good problems to have. I’m glad the album is doing so well.