Rare ‘mom’ moment with these two…one just turned 20 and the other graduating Grade 12 in a few days. They say 90% of all the time you’ll ever spend with your child happens in the first 18 years of THEIR life and the next 10% – over the balance of the rest of YOURS. I‘ve been thinking about this a lot lately…my generation didn’t grow up with technology and so much of today’s online world is simply a battle for our ATTENTION. Our time and our attention is the most precious gift we can give our loved ones😎❤️🇨🇦❤️❤️🌈 #proudmom #family #love #son #daughter #wednesdaywisdom

What an amazing night! Not only did our girl crush ‘Magic Man’ by Heart in her pop-rock showcase, she surprised me by doing a version of MY tune ‘Joan of Arc’ from the Beautiful Things album 2004 (the year she was born). You could hear a pin drop. It was so good. Me: 😭☺️😭☺️❤️ #proudmom #daughters #talented #singer #blessed

Lee Aaron with her kids, Angella and Jett, recreating a classic pose nine years later. (September 2, 2023)

So incredibly proud of this girl, this formidable talent, this shining light! She absolutely killed it in her university Musical Theatre showcase last night! We love you and we are so proud of you Angella!!! ❤️❤️ #daughterlove #daughter #singers #dancers #actors #musicaltheatre #talent #family #love #proud #proudmom #prouddad April 20, 2023

So unbelievably proud of both of our kids…but the one on the left graduated last night – on the honor roll with 3 scholarships in the arts! Super smart and super talented. Feels like we were dropping you off at kindergarten yesterday. So crazy proud of you Angella! We love you to the moon and back❤️❤️

I know she doesn’t graduate until next year (but grad photos are in) and I can’t help but be so unbelievably proud of this girl – our girl – and the incredible person she has become and is becoming. A stellar student who masters every academic and creative endeavour she undertakes…I don’t know how we got so lucky❤️
High Lee,
I wish you all the best and good health to you and your family. I hope everything is all right ? You are a part of my life. I’m in the same age like you. I saw you in some concerts in germany long ago. Good luck to you. Uli
So excited that your coming to Kelowna in August 2016, I’ve been a fan since, Metal Queen 1984, for a young girl of 14 you really had a impact on me in so many ways I love your music, now in my 40’s its going to be a thrill to see you live in my home town Cheers 😉
Hope Karen comes to Salt Lake City, Utah – Let LeeAaron know her old friend Danielle Theberge says hello – she looks great and her kids are adorable. Karen and I where neighbors for a while in Brampton – wishing her and her family all the best.
she seem like a nice person
those kid obviously love her
good for her
I always thought she was cute …still is
Would be awesome if you did a show at Ottawa Bluesfest!
Hi Lee,. Was a fan of yours from back in the Awesome 80’s.
Now 51 years old, I look forward to seeing you up in Grande Prairie.
All the best to you, from a good ole Revy BC boy
Hi Lee Aaron
I seen you in concert 3 times back in the 80’s and 90’s. Twice in Timmins Ontario with Darby Mills Some girls do tour and at the Time Out pub in Sault Saint Marie i think back in 92′. Do you ever think that you will come back to Timmins for another concert. with Helix, not sure if the band Toronto is still out there and Headpins. Thank you very much for your time.. Hope to see concert listing soon for Timmins.
Hey Lee. You are a rock legend! Your music is inspiration and a formidable part of my 20s in the army days! Thank you so much for your talent and music and your family is beautiful!