Lee Aaron Band September 2024: George Bernhardt, John Albani, Jack Meli
Lee Aaron Band September 2024: George Bernhardt, John Albani, Jack Meli
Up at 3:45am – 2 flights – 3+ hour drive – another 3+ hours drive – 2 more flights – a total of 11,700 km of Canadian ground covered for 2.5 glorious hours on stage over 2 nights! That’s rock ‘n’ roll!!! 😎🎸🇨🇦🎤🌈❤️
Up at 3:45am – 2 flights – 3+ hour drive – another 3+ hours drive – 2 more flights – a total of 11,700 km of Canadian ground covered for 2.5 glorious hours on stage over 2 nights! That’s rock ‘n’ roll!!! 😎🎸🇨🇦🎤🌈❤️
This is Marianne. She danced for 4 hours straight at the last F-Cancer show (she’s almost 77) and her smile is simply contagious. She’s been a huge music fan and fixture in and around the Vancouver music scene for well over 50 years. That night she got to dance to so many of the bands she grew up with, and discovered that she also liked Lee Aaron 😜 We sent her my whole CD catalogue for Christmas and now, I’m honoured to say, Marianne is dancing to us too 😉 ❤️❤️❤️🌈🎤🎸🇨🇦 #dancing #rocknroll #canadianmusic #vancouver #smile
You know…getting Canada’s Walk of Fame was amazing, but when people take the time to create something unique and special just for us, it touches my heart with just as much gravity. Thank you to
2 Girls And An Oven for these custom made, crazy, delicious sugar cookies!! Now I can officially say “Bite me” and really mean it! #BiteMe #cookies #LeeAaron #gift #delicious
Lee Aaron with contest winner Colleen Arruda at Classic Bowl, Mississauga, Ontario, October 29, 2023
Lee Aaron with Mike Bax at Classic Bowl, Mississauga, Ontario, October 29, 2023
Spending time with rock photographer extraordinaire Lisa Guliak. Check out the
Live Shots page for some of her fantastic work!
Backstage shenanigans! Yeah, we’re pretty basic … give us a bag of nacho chips and a bottle of wine and instaparty!!! Ha, ha! 😜❤️🎸🎤🔥🇨🇦🌈🙏 #mondaymotivation #mondayfunday #guitar #bass #singer #drummer #ontour #lovinglife #positivevibes Shake The Lake, Regina, SK, August 26, 2023
On International Dog Day, it was an honour to meet (the very shy) Pikachu – rescued by Tigger’s Dog Rescue (
Instagram Facebook) – a volunteer run organization here in Regina that saves neglected and abused sweethearts and gives them a better life.♥️♥️♥️🙏🙏
#InternationalDogDay #Pikachu #DogLover #RescueDog #support #love #DogsAreTheBest
Backstage at Shake The Lake, August 26, 2023
Backstage at Shake The Lake, August 26, 2023
Backstage at Shake The Lake, August 26, 2023
Backstage shenanigans with Dave Reimer at Shake The Lake, August 26, 2023
I get gifted many thoughtful things by friends/fans but this is definitely up there with the coolest of the cool! A custom made Metal Queen marionette by
Darren Gepetto Moreash!! It now has a place of honour in my home studio … and yes, those are John Cody’s sweaty post-show pants hanging on the dressing room door. #leeaaron #fangifts #marionette #ontour #grateful #coolthings #halifax #rocktheharbour
Lee Aaron with fan Sofia Sandblom at Rock The Harbour, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, August 19, 2023
Superfan Tom Alvey got himself a new tattoo after meeting Lee Aaron at the Moose & Goose on July 14, 2023 and having her sign his arm!
After dinner stroll and we find ourselves taking in beautiful Niagara Falls, Ontario. They’re BIG and NOISY, kinda like us…lol 😜❤️😎🎸🎤🌈🇨🇦🌊 #niagarafalls #rockit #classicrock #waterfall #leeaaron #ontour
What an incredible night! Thank you, thank you for the love White Rock & Surrey ❤️❤️ To see WR beach packed with thousands of you beautiful people on fire for rock n roll made my Summer !!! ❤️🎸🎤😎☀️🌈🇨🇦🔥 #liveshow #outdoorconcert #atthebeach #leeaaron #ontour #classicrock #modernrock
Sean Kelly, Dave Reimer, Lee Aaron and John Cody in Puerta Plata on the Monsters Of Rock Cruise, May 1, 2023
Dave Reimer, Lee Aaron, John Cody and Sean Kelly at the Q&A, Monsters Of Rock Cruise, April 30, 2023 by Allyson Wachsberg
These monsters are gonna ROCK!! Day One on the Monsters Of Rock Cruise, April 29, 2023
Okay…so I have been made into a POP figurine and “LEGO-ed” but this might be the coolest of all! Me and Lemmy as marionettes! Lol! I’m having Being John Malkovich flashbacks right now. Thank you @geppetto_moreash for this delightful photo! #marionette #monday #metalqueen #motorhead #puppet #hardrock #aceofspades
Far be it from me to ever refer to myself as an influencer…but, when the influence transcends generations and you get to meet cool girls like Autumn at your sound check (she is not 9 but ‘going on 10’) and see the genuine love of rock’n’roll in her sweet rebel heart…you realize it was all worth it! 😜❤️🎸😎🌈 #calgary #soundcheck #youth #thenextgeneration #girlrockers #hardrock #somegirlsdo #coolgirls
I friggin’ love these guys! Sean Kelly, John Cody & Dave Reimer. The best #rocknroll #brothers a girl could ask for! #dressingroom #toronto #classicrock #livemusic #femalefrontedband #leeaaron #tour
Thank you Stark!Strom magazine for featuring us on the cover of your January 2023 issue! 🙏🙏❤️ Feelin’ the #love from #europe #austria #germany #france #belgium #netherlands and we are #grateful !!! #tuesday #hardrock #classicrock
Taken from the top of L’Arc de Triomphe Paris 2022! (Lee Aaron and husband John Cody)
When in Paris….. #paris #grateful #bestmoments #kisses #vacation #husband
Breathtaking to see the actual Venus De Milo in person. Truly…but apparently, there is quite a bit of speculation about what she was holding in her left hand before it was lost a couple millennia ago. The scholars guess an apple? Hmmmm, I’m gonna guess a sword…just throwing that out there. Lots of strapping dudes here at the Louvre wielding swords. Why not her? Ya never know right? 😂😎 #sundayfunday #art #sculpture #classic #louvremuseum #ancient #leeaaron #vacation #beauty #gratitude #appreciation #artlover
Hey Everybody! I promised to share a few snaps of our fabulous mini-trip to Paris…evening 1….the Eiffel Tower of course! We ran into a local in a cafe and he said the tower was ‘no biggie’ as he had to look at it EVERYDAY. What he really wanted to see were the Rocky Mountains one day. Perspective is everything! #paris #parisvibes #ontour #eiffeltower #tourist #candid #traveltheworld #leeaaron #gratitude
I haven’t fought my way through throngs of people to get a selfie with anyone in my life (well okay maybe once, with Bob The Builder, when Jett was 4) but this was worth it! People always tell me I’m much more petite (smaller) in person when they meet me and well, I guess we have THAT in common. Small but mighty…meet the real Mona Lisa folks! ❤️😜🌈📷🎨👨🎨#monalisa #louvre #paris #parisfrance #painting #classic #leonardodavinci #vacationmode #selfie
The band that rehearses in little French hotel rooms together, sticks together 🙂 😜❤️🌈🎸🇫🇷 #rehearsal #rockband #festival #canadian #canadianclassicrock #france #hardrock #rocknroll #hotel #funtimes
The gang united! Heading to #paris but eating #toronto airport food 😉 That’s #rocknroll 😜….🌈❤️😎🎸✈️ #france #festival #headliner #vouziersmetalfest #rockband #hardrock #modernrock
Happy Sunday!!! Big shout out today to my brother Dave Reimer! Thanks for my cool new REIMER ELECTRIC BASS T shirt Dave! Love it!
Reimer Guitars ROCKS! #custombass #customguitar #bass #bassplayer #guitar #guitarplayer #sundayfunday #sundayvibes #handmadeguitar
Rock N Roll hair flipping? Guilty as charged! lol
Lee Aaron with Sean Kelly, John Cody and Dave Reimer during soundcheck at the Chrome Room (Deerfoot Casino) in Calgary, Alberta 2022-07-30
You know you’re sisters when … 1-2-3…‘crazy face’ produces the exact same result! Much needed visit with my sweet sister and her family (on the other side of the country) after a too-long Covid break! #family #familytime #sisters #crazyface #fun #beautifulinsideandout #redhead #familyiseverything #sister #sisterhood
Sean Kelly, John Cody, Lee Aaron, and Dave Reimer, off stage at Sweden Rock Festival June 9, 2022
Off to Sweden Rock Festival … roughly 50 hours of travel there and back to play for 60 INCREDIBLE heart-pumping minutes! Yup. Totally worth it. 😜😎🎸🔥🌈♥️ #livemusic #leeaaron #airplaneselfie #sweden #swedenrockfestival #rocknroll #summertour #tuesdaymotivation
Dave Reimer, Lee Aaron, John Cody, Sean Kelly … June 21, 2021
Me and Dave pretending to be grown ups…or we’re making an album and having too much fun…same thing! #newmusic #leeaaron2021 #homestudio #rock #CanadianRock #classicrock
Lee Aaron with fan Jeanne VanVliet at Gables In The Bend, Grand Bend, Ontario, August 16, 2019
Backstage shenanigans… no alcohol involved here…seriously 😉 #NeverTooOldToHaveFun #DiamondBabyBluesTour
The coolest part of this job is getting to meet the folks who are moved by your music😀 These days that’s anyone between 8 and 70! How amazing is that! Thanks to
Roger Riveland for this fun photo with Calista!!
The troops are fed and ready to rock Yorkton SK tonight!! #RockStarsMustEat #DiamondBabyBluesTour #CanadaRocks (Lee Aaron, John Cody, Sean Kelly, and Brice Tabish)
Day off bumming around in historic Quebec City with my sweetie! I wouldn’t normally mix wine and poutine but when in Rome…😜
Thank you Tisdale! What a fabulous crowd you were!! Last night’s show was pure fun! #summertour #rockinthesquare #concert #canada #DiamondBabyBluesTour
Rockin’ The Square in Tisdale SK tonight! A little pre-show smile while we anxiously await FOOD! This is where all the set list revisions and action takes place folks! #rockstarsmusteat #TheSpotTisdale #Rockinthesquare
Lee Aaron with husband John Cody on vacation in Mexico, March 22, 2019
The truth about rock life: you’ll spend a lot more time dragging your gear through airports than you ever will onstage….so you better have a good guitar case! Thanks to MONOcreators for making these amazing cases! Makes touring so much easier 😉 #DiamondBabyBluesTour
Lucky Paws Dog Rescue! It’s an honour to support this wonderful organization each time I’m in Regina, SK. They rescue abandoned and abused animals and find them new forever-homes. With love and a little luck (and a photo op with a rock star doesn’t hurt!) this sweet girl will get adopted ASAP!!
You know you’re a rock star when the Revolution Place mascots want a photo op with the band…lol…Thanks #grandeprairie for an amazing show last night! #revolutionplace #Albertarock #diamondbabybluestour
Thank you Grande Prairie for an awesome show last night! One of the coolest surprises was this rockin’ couple, dressed up like characters from 1989’s Bodyrock videos!
Dave Reimer, Sean Kelly, John Cody and Lee Aaron at Whoop-Up Days in Lethbridge, AB, August 25, 2018 Courtesy of Cindy Frech
Lee Aaron Band selfie post-show #RockTheRiver #Saskatoon! Love this #PrairieCity of #TrueMusicFans #Saskatoon – you rock and so did we 🙂
Love this candid shot taken by our very own Dave Reimer … me, John and Sean on an airport shuttle in Frankfurt, totally sleep deprived but happy because we get to make rock music. 😜
“Wacken made us a cake!!” – Wacken Open Air Festival, Germany, August 3, 2018
Lee Aaron with Mitch Lafon at Heavy Montréal, July 28, 2018
Courtesy Rik Roe
Lee Aaron and Sean Kelly, each with Tim Henderson of
Brave Words, Heavy Montréal, July 28, 2018
Dave Reimer, Lee Aaron, John Cody, Sean Kelly, post-show Heavy Montréal, July 28, 2018
John Cody: Dressed up all glitter era on yesterday’s video shoot for “American High” With Lee Aaron Sean Kelly Dave Reimer…plus some rather wacky cameos.
Sean Kelly: Spent my Sunday flying to Vancouver and shooting a rock n roll video with Lee Aaron in a limo…yup, pretty good Sunday! Red eye back to Toronto tonight, but SO worth it!!
A still from yesterday’s shoot for ‘American High’ New video single coming from the Diamond Baby Blues album!! Sean Kelly and I limo lounging!
Cast and crew pic from yesterday’s video shoot for ‘American High’ More new stuff to come from the Diamond Baby Blues Album!! #video #America #rock
Lee with her dad.
Lee with her mom and children
Lee and her children, Jett and Angella.
On the set of the Tom Boy video.
On the set of the Tom Boy video.
On the set of the Tom Boy video.
On the set of the Tom Boy video.
Goofing backstage with the band.
Goofing backstage with the band.
George Belanger of Harlequin.
Old school selfie.
Lee and Angella with Teller, of Penn & Teller.
Lita Ford
Lita Ford
Lee with her dad and mom.